Burning out?

What would you do when you burn out!? In education, we talk about teachers experience burning out after teaching for a long time. What is that so called “burn out” anyway…?

“Burn out” happens when you do the same thing over and over for a long period of time that you forget to put your mind in it, in other word, you don’t care what you do anymore. It becomes the matter of get it done. At least, that’s what I understand.

Can student also get to the point of burning out?

I’m not saying that I don’t care about school. As the matter of fact, I’m graduating. My defense exam is right around the corner. If everything goes well, I will be done by this coming Thursday. Isn’t that exciting??

Yea… it’s exciting, and that’s the problem because I don’t feel all excited!!

Perhaps, I’m so ready to move on that my mind is not focusing on school stuff anymore. Could it be that I’m burning out of being in school? or maybe not!?

I have been in the state long enough that I don’t really know where my home truly is. Bangkok is surely different from 6 years ago. But the feeling of living here in the state any longer is not really in my mind. Why do I wanna go back badly even though I’m not sure that it would be a home like it used to?? Perhaps, being jailed overnight because of the careless workers at the international student advising office had turned me off badly. Perhaps, it was some bad experiences during the school years. I don’t really know…

Well, regardless of those bad experience, I’m thankful for all of my professors now who have been so nice and kind to me. I met cool friends who I wish to keep in touch after moving back to Thailand. Guys! if you are reading this, let’s have a party before I go back and don’t forget to keep me post where ever you are!!

I would say that I’m glad we met. There are not many of you throughout my years in the US. When you leave school, you know that only true friends will stay in touch.

Burning out or not, I hope that I pass the defense exam on this Thursday. I’ll do my best. Wish me luck then…..

PS. Read more about Burnout at helpguide.org